Alios Finance Group is setting up a system for collection and processing of alerts pertaining to serious incidents which does not comply with the rules governing the conduct of the Group and which might affect its activities. Open to both staff members and partners (customers, suppliers of goods and services), the whistleblowing system will be based on a secured external platform that guarantees the protection of personal data (whistle blower), the strict confidentiality of information and mainly the anonymity. It will protect the initiator of the report, acting in good faith and in a non-abusive manner, and on the other hand to detect a serious situation in order to limit the exposure of the Group to related risks.
NB : This system is not to be used for routine issues or claims, such issues should be addressed to and handled by your local management team through the middle office.
Submission of Report
Read carefully the instructions before submission of the report.
Set up your dialog box by filling in the online form to submit your alert and then you will receive an ID and password.
Submission of Report
Dialog box
If you have already set up a dialog box , you may login here: