Establishment of SAFCA (Société Africaine de Crédit Automobile) in Senegal by Renault, UNILEVER, NIGER FRANCE, OPTORG, CFAO and SCOA.
Relocation of SAFCA from Senegal to Ivory Coast becoming its first financial institution .
Establishment of SOCCA (Société Camerounaise de Crédit Automobile) in Cameroon
Establishment of SOGACA (Société Gabonaise de Crédit Automobile) in Gabon.
GIEFCA (Groupement d’Intérêt Economique pour Favoriser le développement du Crédit Automobile et Industriel en Afrique) was established in France by SAFCA, SOCCA and SOGACA, the objective being to facilitate, organise and develop commercial and business activities of GIEFCA’s member companies. Renault Crédit International (RCI) was responsible for the management of GIEFCA on behalf of the other shareholders.
RCI (Renault Credit International) stepped down from Africa and consequently, from the management of GIEFCA. CFAO took over the responsibility of managing GIEFCA
Establishment of SOMAFI (Société Malienne de Financement) in Mali, and SOBFI (Société Burkinabe de Financement) in Burkina Faso.
Establishment of HOLDEFI as a holding company to consolidate CFAO and OPTORG’s interests in GIEFCA’s subsidiaries.
PROPARCO and Gras Savoye became shareholders of HOLDEFI.
FMO and Africa Financial Holdings (holding company of Bank of Africa) became shareholders of HOLDEFI.
Opening of SOCOFIN (Société Congolaise de Financement) in Congo Brazzaville.
Sale of Alios Finance Congo Brazzaville and launch of Alios Finance Zambia.
Launch of Alios Finance Tanzania.
Launch of Alios Finance Kenya.
An investment consortium consisting of Tunisie Leasing, Amen Bank, Proparco and Responsability acquired a majority interest in Alios Finance Société Anonyme (the holding company of Alios Finance Group) from the retiring shareholders: AFRICINVESTAfricinvest, FMO, Finfund, Bank Of Africa et Gras Savoye.